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Interview Series - Candy Camille

last updated March 18, 2025

Getting Intimate With Candy Camille: A God of Porn Exclusive Interview 

With a beautiful smile, a tight body, and more than 100 million video views on PornHub, Candy Camille is a certified hit. But there's so much more to this charming and seductive performer than her sexy squirting and other assorted sex videos. 


The index below has both time stamps as well as the interview questions.

  • Selecting a time stamp takes you to that spot in the YouTube video
  • Selecting a question takes you to that question in the interview transcript below

00:00 - Intro
00:40 - If you could turn back time, would you change anything?
04:25 - Do you have any pets, any cats or dogs?
06:02 - When you started out, did you try webcamming?
09:02 - It sounds like you'll really enjoy getting back to webcam sessions.
09:32 - Any advice for people looking to work in the porn industry?
11:50 - Have you done any VR porn?
12:52 - Do you get cool or unique gifts from your fans?
14:59 - And can you tell me about your first time on camera?
17:05 - Do you have a favorite position?
18:19 - Do you get requests to try different positions on camera?
19:04 - Where's the wildest place that you've ever had sex?
20:24 - If you could sleep with any person in the world, who would you pick?
21:18 - Have you ever finished filming and been in awe of how awesome it was?
23:50 - Do you enjoy any BDSM or roleplay?
26:01 - What’s the naughtiest or dirtiest thing that you've been asked to do?
31:44 - Favorite sex toys or gear?
35:06 - Do you prefer dildos or vibrators? Bigger or stronger?
36:09 - Is bigger always better when it comes to toys?
36:34 - Can you tell me about your sex doll experience?
41:08 - Any scenes you want to shoot but haven’t yet?
43:21 - Any message for your lovely fans?


God Of Porn

You're very popular. If you could turn back time, would you change anything?

Сandy Сamille

Just one thing. When my husband and I, we started in the adult industry. I was working in Canada in an engineering company. Like a normal girl. I didn't say to everyone like: "Hey, I work on PornHub. I tried to be like secret in that way. I was told one of the coworkers saw me and and tried to, you know, like, if you don't have sex with me, I'm going to publish everything.

And to be honest, in that moment I was so afraid because my mom, my dad didn't know all about that. And I was like, Oh, my God. What the fuck am I going to do, you know? It’s so stressful. Besides, my husband, well, in that moment he wasn’t my boyfriend. He wasn't in Canada. He's Mexican, so he was here, and I was alone, literally in the company. It was so stressful.

I was going to the restroom. I remember that day. And I talked to him and said, like, Hey. This this situation. I don't feel so good. What are we going to do? Because they’ve found me. And I'm so scared. And that weekend I came back here to Mexico to talk with him, because I don't want it to be on me to video-call, because you know, like what if the phone call is broken?

So at first, we decided to cut it out, we stopped our PornHub channel. And days later I was thinking like, hey? Why do I need to be afraid? Why do I need to be shy or afraid? Or being scared if people know that I’m working on PornHub?

So I talked to him [my husband] and I convinced him to get him back in this world because we really love it. And we decided to reopen the PornHub channels. So the PornHub stops promoting you. So the views stopped, and then we opened it again like days after.

To get back on top, it was so difficult. Because PornHub is like, Hey, you wanna stop or you don't wanna stop? So, you're going to continue? Okay, let's move on. So that's the only thing I'm going to change about my past.

Candy Camille

Hey, girl, you don't need to be scared because people nowadays. I'm a pole dancer teacher, too. And also, being a pull dancer teacher. They talk to me like, Hey, we're when are you going to give me a stripshow? Hey, when are you going to dance for me with nudity? And it's like, so working or not working on PornHub, actually people's not going to change. So, I'm not afraid of anything. I'm not shy of anything like work stuff. That's the only thing I would change of my past. Saying to myself like, hey, don't worry haha. If they found you, they found you. I'm so sorry. You can’t do anything about that. On the other side. I am so happy that they found it! Like, hey, I’m on the main page! That's amazing. So literally, that's publicity for me. Free publicity is the best thing in the world. To have free publicity. I don't have to spend on promoting myself! They did it.

So I took the decision to quit that job. Because my chiefs were like, hey, you're working on these? We're going to have problems with you in this company. And I say, Okay, don't worry, I quit.

So I took the decision to start working on myself with my husband. And that's the reason I became a cos-player.

God Of Porn

That's awesome! Do you guys have any pets, any cats or dogs?

Сandy Сamille

Yes! In Canada I have 3 dogs. I adopted them because they were lost. I'm pretty sure that they have no family. But I have to update, and they are so happy with my mom in Canada. And here in Mexico, 2 years ago? Yes, two years ago. We found a little Pitbull and you know in a dog house. So damaged herself. So I decided to literally bring her. I know it's not legal to do that. But I just found it hard to leave that dog alone.

Actually, I saw a dog in the street, and my husband knows that. He is like, okay, let's go and buy some food, and you take it to them. And like yeah! actually, I have some, that's what’s in my car. Because sometimes we are in the street. And I see a pet alone. It’s like, hey hey hey, stop. I need to pet the dog. Yes, I love those. I love all animals, but cats? We are allergic to them, so we cannot have cats. I have already rescued 3 cats, and adopted them to some friends, because I cannot. I cannot have it because it's so allergic for me.

So we have a dog, and she's a Pitbull. Actually, she's right now in “jail” because she's too barky. So I don't want her to make noise. But, yes we have a beautiful girl.

God Of Porn

When you started out, did you try webcamming?

Сandy Сamille

Yes! Actually, before PornHub. Our story of being in this type of work started with. Actually, I'm such a big fan of Dani Daniels.

Dani Daniels on CamSoda

And I saw her doing some streams on CamSoda and other platforms. And I was like out of curiosity, what are people doing when they stream? Because I was so like, Oh, what do people? And when you then enter the website, it’s like whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! It's so amazing. So I made the decision, to start streaming on CamSoda and Chaturbate. And at that point I realize in that moment, that my boyfriend and me. We like the idea that people watch us. So he started like looking for what can we do if we like that? And we realised that PornHub is like YouTube. They paid us for the views. And we're like, Oh, this is so good.

So, we started like in our free time. We didn't think that it's going to be like, actually, our real work, because it's our principle work. So yes, basically, one of the reasons that we are in this industry is Dani Daniels. She is my favorite actress. I love her relationship with her husband. I had already read the husband book, the one talking about living with a porn actress. It's so amazing, because we are agreeing with all that stuff in the book.

So yes, actually, I'm not giving streams on Chaturbate. But we now got the news that I'm going to move on. I will actually have actually a room just for me, and I will decide to do streams again!

Candy Camille on Chaturbate

So yes! I am so excited about that because I really like it. I really like talking with the people like live, you know. Also, I used to do Twitch stream just playing, because on Twitch you can do anything.

But yes I started giving shows on CamSoda of like 30 minutes or an hour, and that’s all.

Candy Camille

But then I started doing like 3, 4, 5 hours. But the reason I gave it up here, in Mexico, is that I don’t have the space. Actually this room is my work room. Literally it’s my work room, meaning that here, I work on my props. What I have in here is my sword, my glue, so. I can’t imagine myself being in here with all of my tools like saying, hey, let’s screw in my cabinet. I just know that this is not sexy, but yes, I’m so excited to get back to doing streams.

God Of Porn

That's awesome. It sounds like you'll really enjoy getting back to webcam sessions.

Сandy Сamille

Yeah, it's funny, because with the times of the streams, I realized there are like a few fans that will always be there. And it's like, Oh, they love my porn! And this feels so good for me, because they inspired to me to continue this. Because I can imagine, like being in the stream alone. I have nobody, and it's like, Hmm! What am I'm doing here? But no! It's so amazing. I really, I really like it.

God Of Porn

Any advice for people looking to work in the porn industry?

Сandy Сamille

Then don't be afraid. I know that people will never accept our work. For as much information that’s on the Internet and explanations of everything that it’s not bad. Blah, blah, blah. People is not going to accept it. So don't be afraid, if you like it. Just do it!

There’s nothing better in the world than working in something that you really like it. I really prefer recording every day. Talking with my fans rather than being in the typical office, working like, oh I hate my life. So, if you really like it, just do it.

If you are doing it because you're just looking for free money, or technically like so much easy money. It is not! Because I have heard so many times that, Hey, you want $100,000 awesome per month? So, I’m going to do it again, and like, yes. You can work, you can earn that on PornHub, but you need to work on day. Every day. Every night. Every single day. You need to answer, you need be on social media. You need to have social media so that people can look for you. Because you have like PornHub, Chaturbate, OnlyFans any website. And it’s going to be like. Hey, tomorrow I want to be famous. Like no.

It took us almost 5 years to be in the place we are. And we try to do always do better. Trying to get better because that's another thing. People think that you only record yourself. And then upload it. Like, yes, okay, record yourself. But you also need to look for the perfect angle, the perfect light, that the dog doesn't bark. So, it’s really many things. It's almost easier, I think it’s almost easier to be in a studio. But we don’t work in a studio. So you're using homemade everything and material like us. If you really like it, just do it.

God Of Porn

Have you done any VR porn?

Сandy Сamille

No. Like just like one year ago, I received an email that they invited me to do like a video, and they turn on the VR. But in that moment, I didn't have like a good cell phone. Like a 4K phone because they are expensive! Buying an iphone is expensive. So that's the reason I don't have an iphone.

So we tried it, and they tried to turn out like the video to VR. But no, it doesn't happen. And actually? We don't know how to do it. But if we really find out how to do it, we obviously will do it. Because, having like the lenses and to doing all of this is a good experience. But I'm pretty sure that it’s kinda difficult to record that. We don’t know that. We like the POVs.

God Of Porn

Do you get cool or unique gifts from your fans?

Сandy Сamille

Yes, actually. Well, I receive gifts from many, from many people, from the Internet. Being a cosplayer here in Mexico, there's events, there's conventions that you can be there and have your stand and sell your things. In my case, sometimes I have my stand and I sell my prints.

So sometimes people come to my stand and say, Hi! Take a photo, buy my print, whatever. And sometimes they give me gifts. I have a Stitch bag. I love Stitch from Disney. So, I'm pretty sure that all my fans know that I love Stitch. I have a bag. I have a sweater.

Stitch Bag

They gave me roses, food. Sometimes on my main shows on Instagram, they ask me what do I like for dessert. And I always say that I am such a big fan of cookies and cream. So they gave me cookies and dessert. And from any others it’s sometimes difficult, because I don't like the idea to give out my address. So I ask them for the money, and then I show them. Like, hey, you bought me this water! I’m showing you that I have this water.

Candy Camille's Amazon WishLis

Every single patron that give me like a gift, like a cosplay, a Wii, and in this case lingerie. I try to do like giving them rewards like pics, videos. Like, Hey, thank you so much! And all this stuff because people love that. And I'm pretty sure I don't like the idea that, hey? You buy me this. Thank you. And that's all. No like, hey? You love me, you gave me this. Okay, I'm going to give you like a one free day on my OnlyFans, or a free sale on everything. Because that makes people continue giving stuff. So yes, I basically receive many, many gifts from fans.

God Of Porn

And can you tell me about your first time on camera?

Сandy Сamille

I have many stories to tell, because our first camera experience actually is like many different tries at recording. Because the first time, we were in my mom's husband’s house. In that moment the mom wasn't there.

So we're like, okay, we’re going to record oh so quietly. Okay, put the camera there. And we tried it. And like I don't see myself, okay, let’s just pull it in there. Oh, now the cell phone is moving. Is it recording? Oh, well, oh, damn, mom's coming here. So we're going to do it later. We tried to do it later with like, Hey, the cell phone here? Oh, my God! The the sun is. The sun is going down so oh, my God! The light! And we said like, Hmm, no.

So I think our first video, I don’t really remember. It was in the house or in a hotel. Just just put the camera on there, and we are going to just improvise acting. If we, we saw the video, and then some scenes don't look good. Just cut it out. And that's all. But it was amazing because you need that in real life. You're just enjoying the moment.

And if you like to record a video, you can’t have, just for an example, closed eyes. Okay, it's so normal to be in that moment and you’re closing your eyes. It's normal. But on camera, you need to look at the camera because the people is watching you. Yes, and you have to give that fantasy that the people is your guy, your everything. So, for me, it was like something so weird in the beginning. Like being in the scene, and looking the camera I was like, hmm. Why am I looking at myself. It's so funny. But you get used to that. It’s so funny.

God Of Porn

Do you have a favorite position?

Сandy Сamille

I really like the doggie style for 2 reasons. One reason, talking about recording, being in front of the camera in doggie style I think looks so sexy. Because I can see all of my body and in the way I like it. And I can monitor from the front of the camera, and it's so good. And also, if you put the camera down, you can also have another view, and you can literally see in this case talking about sex and penetration and talking about the views, it's really good. Really, we did that and it’s staying on the video. So I think doggy style is our favorite position.

But in my case, talking about because I'm such a big fan of the squirt I like to be just laying down on the bed. having my legs up. I don't know if it has a name, that position, I’m not really sure. But it's so much easier for me to squirt in that position. So talking about squirting, that’s my favorite position. Talking about sex, doggy style.

God Of Porn

Do you get requests to try different positions on camera?

Сandy Сamille

Yeah, yeah. Now, I got it. Yeah. Sometimes some people pay us for custom video. And they put like, I want you in the helicopter position and then in the cowboy position. It’s like what the fuck? And I literally Google, like helicopter position like, oh, okay, we can’t do helicopter position.

365 Sex Positions

No need to Google! Tap to buy "365 Positions".

But we can do the cowgirl position. because sometimes it's not creepy. I saw many positions that the girl is like in a handstand position, and the guy is like. And you say, what we try is like, hey, we get. No, it's not going to happen.

God Of Porn

Where's the wildest place that you've ever had sex?

Сandy Сamille

Well. I think I have many stories. Having sex, I think, in the car. But being on the street. Actually, we have few videos recorded like this. Because we are afraid that the police at first. We have a problem for that. But I think I mean in the car. And literally, sex in the street is one of the wildest.

And talking about solo, I like to get it on in the dressing rooms of all the stores. Like I try to buy clothes and “try on” clothes and record that. So it's like so kinky. So passionate, because my husband is outside and he knows what I'm doing. So it's like kinky, risky. And I like to record that.

Actually, my fans love to record that. When I put it on Insta, like, hey, I'm here and shopping. Everyone is writing in like, “Oh, my God, please. If you don't buy anything, I don’t give a fuck, i just record something. It's like, Yeah, yeah, yeah, going to do that. Don't worry.

God Of Porn

If you could sleep with any person in the world, who would you pick?

Сandy Сamille

Dani Daniels. Definitely Dani Daniels. I’ve liked her always. She's so beautiful. Her body so naturally. I love all her squirting videos. I love all her, like I think she has videos on Brazzers and many companies. I love her.

Dani Daniels on CamSoda

Actually, if my husband and me want to see porn, like when we’re having our romantic night. I always tell him like, please put something on with Dani Daniels. I don’t give a fuck if he’s Black or his brother or just a lesbian thing. I don’t care. Just put on something with Dani Daniels!

God Of Porn

Have you ever finished filming and been in awe of how awesome it was?

Сandy Сamille

Yes, I have a video on PornHub on how many times I can squirt continually. I didn't expect it. I was thinking like 15 or 20 maybe. 60 times? Haha. Yes, I have a video squirting more than 62, I think is like my record. I haven't repeated it. I need to repeat that.

And when I finished, I finished because I was thirsty. I don't know if this is like normal in others. But when I squirt a lot, when I finish I am so thirsty. I think it's naturally because you're just getting enough water, and if I can drink before I squeeze in, I think like one liter I can literally be all day squirting. And I really love squirting. And in that case, I say, to my husband, hey, we need to record this!

And he said, Okay. You’ll just be laying down and playing with yourself with a toy, with my fingers. You just relax. And yeah, actually, maybe in third squirt, I forgot we were recording. And when I was at 62, I don't know if it appears in any of the video, but I remember like, Hey. I'm done. [waves hands]. And I was like, Oh, we were recording! I'm so sorry. And my husband was like, you're done?! Thanks God, because I am so tired. Because you never stop! And I went, I’m so sorry.

But yes, that was like one of these solemn moments when I said, wow! And I'm pretty sure I can squirt more. But I haven't tried.

It's kinda difficult being at home, since squirting means your bed is going to be soaking wet, or towels, or the sofa. So I need to do it in a hotel. Because it's like, I'm going to leave the room, and I don't need to clean this, I’m so sorry.

Or maybe in the jacuzzi at bath time. But it's kinda awkward, because you need to be like sitting down on the floor, and it’s so cold. So now I prefer the bed and leaving the hotel just like, it's not going to be my problem.

God Of Porn

Do you enjoy any BDSM or roleplay?

Сandy Сamille

Yes, we try to do cosplay videos. I'm going to say it's true. It's kind of hard sometimes, because of the wig. We have tried many times recording, and in the middle we see the wig. So it's like, hey, we fucked it up. Let's start again. We try to do cosplay and roleplay sometimes like, you know, being the teacher, being the Yoga teacher, the stepmom, the step-sister and we like that.

Candy Camille's BDSM

Bondage? I'm not so into that. I like the idea of being like just getting in the bed, and can't move myself, and he or myself is playing with a vibrator or something. But bondage in the meaning of like hitting the nipples and all of that? Nope, I don't like that.

I have a fan actually, that always asks me for a custom video. And he likes the idea that I am ‘raped’ and that I’m like so scared. And someone, in this case my husband, is fucking me, and I'm trying to act like I'm scared. And I always said to him that I'm not going to record that with my husband.

I can’t record it alone because I am acting, but with my husband? No. Because I don't like to create anything, and like having my husband, the person that I love, and being scary in that scene. And the fan agrees with that.

Actually, I tried to create a scene with a dildo. I'm just having day my face like ahhh, because he likes that. And I completely understand that. But with my husband no, because I don't want him to watch me like he's having sex with me, and I’m like, no, please don’t! Leave me alone. So no. That's the reason I don’t like bondage and that stuff.

God Of Porn

What’s the naughtiest or dirtiest thing that you've been asked to do?

Сandy Сamille

Okay. Naughtiest in a good sense? Squirt in public! They have asked me to do that, and actually I do it in a dressing room. I don't like it to be like in the park and stuff like that. I don't like that because I don't know. It can be scary. There could be kids, families watching me, and I don't like this stuff. I know that many people love doing that. I really respect them. But I can't imagine myself being in the car and being in the park, in the shopping mall, Walmart, Costco, and I don't like that.

They have asked me to do that, but it's like I’m going to do it, but in a safer place. Because I'm risking myself. Even if I'm going with my husband, I'm risking myself. I don't know if there's like a random guy watching me. And he will try to do something to me, so I don't like that.

Dirtiest or naughtiest thing in a bad way? Haha, yes. We had a a guy, a long time ago, actually requested a custom video. And this person wants me to have, do you know cream cheese? Like, the Phildadelphia cream cheese? Okay, so he paid me. Yeah, we started, haha, this is such an awkward story.

He pays me for the cheese, and he pays me the video. So this person wants me to have, like 5 pounds of Philadelphia around my husband’s dick, and masturbate, and jerk off with him. I can’t. I can’t really explain. I know that you are imagining yourself. But yes, we recorded that. When we finished the video we were like, you want to eat it?

That's wasn't the problem. Clean-up, wasn't the problem. The problem was that my husband, got a little infection because of the cheese. Yeah it goes inside him. It’s not safe, it’s not clean. It’s not normal. The dick is not thinking that someone is gonna put inside some cheese for you.

So that's a big problem. We were like 2 weeks having no sex or anything, because he was so disgusted with that.

And we had a message from this guy. This guys like, Hey, you do the best video! I already paid for it. Can you do another one? And no, we are not going to do it again.

We were thinking of putting him in a condom and recording.

But, the other problem is that the cheese cream is so cold. And, for a guy having something cold around his cock is not good. Because it’s getting softer now. And the guy wants to be so hard and having the cream cheese. But, if you don't like this, it's so difficult to create that in a scene. Because my husband is like, I hate the cold. I hate the idea. So no. We will never accept another request for a video if it’s something with food in that area. So maybe that's my dirtiest, most disgusting thing that someone ever asked us to do.

Also, they have asked me. They offered me like $500 or $1000 for having a video call while I am pooping. This person wants me to be in the video call when I'm in the bathroom. And he’s like… $5,000? Hmm, yeah, it’s like good money.

But no! I can't imagine myself being in the bathroom and having a video call with my mom. I don't do that. My mom sometimes calls me, and I'm the bathroom, and like, I'm not going to answer because I am in the restroom. I don't like the idea that of me sitting and having a conversation. So I don't imagine myself recording that. So I didn't accept that.

Well, I think that's the naughtiest stuff they asked me to do. And I said, no. It was a good money, but no. It's like my privacy moment. Like my private moment on the live. So there's something. And I can imagine myself that the video call ends up on the Internet. So no. I can imagine myself, I can’t living with that on Internet, myself in the restroom. So no, I didn't accept it.

God Of Porn

That's wild!

Сandy Сamille

Imagine how many Philadelphias I need to buy! Because, Philadelphia is like a mini rectangle. it wasn't our best scene. I think my husband prefers the fisting, the pegging. He prefers these over the cream cheese.

God Of Porn

Favorite sex toys or gear?

Сandy Сamille

Yes, actually. Many sex stores send me, send us many, many, many toys! I don't have them right now, but I will love to show you one day! Like a second interview! I think I have more than 25 toys. and I have 2, 3 dolls, sex dolls.

Candy Camille masturbates with SohimiDoll

I have 2 girl sex dolls and one male sex doll. And anytime they send me a new toy. It's like, Oh, this is my favorite one and they say another one! And oh, this is now my favorite one! And they say another like, Oh, my God, no, definitely, this is my favorite one! I like all the vibrators.

Actually, we tried to buy the Sybian. I don't know if you know this. Its a machine that when you're sit down, and it's vibrating so, so, so, so, so so hard. I tried to. It will always be so fun, so happy if someone gives me that. I really think I'm going to be the most happiest girl in the world, because I'm squirting, and I think the Sybian is the best gift. And, I like all the vibrators.

Dildos, I like dildos. The problem is that when it’s this cold weather, the dildo is so cold. Putting it inside is like, whoa, whoa. I need to warm up these. And now, they have like this button, and they start warming up. That's so good. That's the best thing people can do with a dildo.

But my favorite toys, are vibrators. Obviously, if they have so much intensity it’s the best for me. I really like the sensation of like the good, really intense, sensation you know, talking about my clitoris to give a squirt. Because for me it's like, awwww, thanks >God, this is succeeding.

Candy Camille shows Sohimi Clitoral Rose Sex Stimulator

And one day I remember myself. So, I’m with my husband and I'm giving him a massage. And I was like, wow, this is so hard. And it was like, Hmm. And my husband said “No, you can’t use that.”

And I said, why not?

And he said, “Okay, just don't squirt with this machine, because it's not for that.”

And I was like, yeah, yeah. And I remember myself going to the restroom and put my cell phone down, and sitting on the toilet. Like hey, this is so good. And in that moment it was amazing. Oh, my God! It's the best way I have!

And my husband buys me real sex toys. He’s like, “Hey, don't you start using my machine for this! So here’s your vibrator.” I was like, “Yeah, I got my first vibrator.”

God Of Porn

Do you prefer dildos or vibrators? Bigger or stronger?

Сandy Сamille

Yeah, I think the best one is the vibrator. Because they make you feel the better way. And I think the best vibrator that they can sell, at least to me, is the highest intensity.

Candy Camille and Luxury Liquid Silicone Wand Massager With Heating Mode

I really, because sometimes actually, I have a solo girl video, and she doesn't like the deep intensity vibration. Because I was actually playing with her with a dildo, and then with a vibrator. And she said to me. Hey, I don't like this because it's too much for me.

And I was like too much?! Too much? I am on the first level, and I like it on level 7! I was like, okay. It’s so understandable. I really can’t hate that. But at least for me, they ask me what is the best toy in the world? A really good vibrator. So intensity rules my radar.

God Of Porn

Is bigger always better when it comes to toys?

Сandy Сamille

No. Talking about toys, I don't think that bigger is better. No, I think it can be small, and it can vibrate with so much intensity, and it will be the best.

God Of Porn

Can you tell me about your sex doll experience?

Сandy Сamille

It's like our favorite threesome. I have many. We have tried many different sex dolls from different stores, and like always. It's a good quality or not so good quality. We, my husband literally started fucking the doll, and it broke. And it's like we Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! But it's normal because it's silicon! We, I can imagine that silicon doesn't cope with a lot of friction.

So we have one girl, I think it’s Brittany. It has the name on it from Tantaly sex shop.

Candy Camille and Tantaly Doll

And wow, it has really big boobs! And you can squish them. And it's like, Oh, my God! I have touched many girls for fun for that situation, and just the typical big, and, oh, my God! This we are like oh, my God! Also, her butt is so squishy. It really feels so real!

I'm so impressed with how they’ve changed the doll. Because the same store sent me the new one, the newest one, and you can see the difference between them. Because, like, you have mistakes on here, but the new one has the height to bear itself.

So the Brittany is so cool because it's really so big boobs and a big butt. And I don't know, it’s good, the sensation. But you know what's the problem? They are so heavy. So so heavy. And sometimes the toy store asks for my husband to have a doll laying down on him and playing with the doll.

And it’s like, yeah. It’s like so heavy. I always try to hold the doll myself and play with my husband and no! I can’t handle it. I do CrossFit. I'm a pole-dance teacher. But it’s so difficult to have because the doll is so heavy.

And actually, the guy they wanna have, I think the name is Edward, also from Tantaly. And when someone asks me for a custom video, but not with my partner because we have a dildo. I love to do it. I love to use this because the dick is there. And I don't need to hold it up at the same time. I mean it’s so much easier for me. I mean, having to pull it out of the box and taking it to the bed. Oh, no, it's too heavy!

That's the bad part of the dolls, but they are amazing. They have many sizes. Many that are so short. So big, literally a real body. You can, they’ve also sent us just the butt. And you’re like, I did the butt. I have a butt on my sofa.

They are good. I really love them. So many people are using my discount code because they are thinking that they are, they imagining that I am the doll. And it's like, yeah, yeah! Just image me and use my discount code because I want my commission. Thank you! So yeah, we like that. Just I am like, and you also have cleaning them.

You need to clean it so good, because, you know, what started appearing inside was humidity. And I can imagine if we had problems with the cream cheese, I then imagine my husband will have problems with the humidity. Because it's a yeah, it's not safe. And you need to clean it so good. They also send you like a little tube, so you can literally put some water some soap and just clean it up and drop it in. So you need to be clean. That's the only problem. But yeah, we like it. We like it all. It’s like our threesome, orgy girls, scene.

God Of Porn

Any scenes you want to shoot but haven’t yet?

Сandy Сamille

We had this fantasy on having like 10 people coming to shoot in my face. And I think we realize and we see all the videos, like being the girl and having all of these cum shots is sexy. The only problem is “Who?” You know that’s the problem.

We don't like to record with guys. Well, I have some scenes with girls from OnlyFans, not from PornHub. But it's different. Because as a girl, I'm pretty sure that we take care of ourselves. We’re so clean and that. And the guys are like sending me the typical dick pick on the bus or on the subway. And it's like, okay, if you take out your dick on the street, I can imagine how clean you are. So. Nope, you are not on the list.

We had this fantasy. We tried to record it like with different dildos, and having, like the fake cum.

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So imagine that I am receiving the cum shots. We will like to record, or at least having that experience. But it's so difficult to find someone talking about, specifically men, that are in this case professional.

Because all the guys I have been talking to and thinking like. Hey, we can just hang out with him. And having this threesome experience, and then we can record it. But no. The guys are always like, I'm going to impregnate you, and I'm going to fuck you better than your husband. Your husband has a really small dick. And it's like no, it's not going to happen.

But if we really have like 10 husbands, I would like to have my 10 husbands cum on me and give me that. You see, that will be so much perfect.

God Of Porn

Any message for your lovely fans?

Сandy Сamille

I am so happy to have this lovely community talking about support and talking about my cosplay work. Sometimes they are in the boardwalk, and I don't have any problem. I really like to have this community, because I like to be in the cosplay contest. And I really enjoy like doing performances. In on this year I’ve already won 4 cosplay contests. So I have my fans on the public layout. Oh, I think I'm in. So I really love these scenes, this support. Because it means that I am doing something good talking about the plan, talking about the cosplay work.

Also, sometimes they are on Mexico City, and they are like erotic conventions, erotic convention, and I assisted on them. And people say, Hey, you are having this character costly, and you are doing sex quiz, and you are the best you are. I love all your videos.

It's amazing.

So I would like to say that thanks so much to everyone. I have no words for these, because I have been support from many guys, from many girls from all around the world. Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, USA, Israel, Germany, Spain. So many countries, that I have no words.

I really love this community, and I think if they love my work, for me it’s the best.

And I will always try to do the best of myself.

Because sometimes people have just lost their mind. And they are like, “Hey, I'm famous now, and I'm going to stop this.” Not in my case. I really love, so I will say, Thank you! Thanks so much for everything! Because if there's no fans, then I won’t be in the like top 10 or 100 around the world. So thank you!

Interesting Facts About Candy Camille

An adult actress and sex cam model, Candy was born in Canada and her absolute favorite sex scenes are her squirting ones! She's also into designing and making her own cosplay costumes, and rescuing animals.

Candy Camille

Love Candy Camille's sleeveless top? Check out the God of Porn Shop for more funny and sexy products.

Birthday: May 12Birth Place: Ottawa, Canada
Gender: FemaleLanguages: English, Spanish
Height: 5' (1.55 m)Job Title: Porn Actress, Adult Model
Weight: 114 lb (52 kg)Hair Color: Brown
Bra/Cup Size: 32BEye color: Brown - Green
Measurements:32B-27-37Favorite Sex Toys: Dildos, Vibrators, Sex Dolls

The God Of Porn's Expert Conclusion

As my exclusive interview with Candy comes to an end, it's clear that she's so much more than just the hot babe from those squirting porn videos. She's sweet, charming and funny, with a contagious laugh that puts you instantly at ease. From sharing her first porn experiences to discussing her favorite sexual position as well as toys and dolls, her perspective provides great insight into her sexy world.

With a willingness to explore, experiment, and laugh, it's easy to see exactly why so many fans love her work. Fostering a sincere connection with her fan base, Candy Camille is one of the most authentic and down to earth porn stars. And as her career continues to flourish, this is definitely a porn star to keep your eyes on.

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Written by the God Of Porn

I have been working in adult entertainment since the early 2000's. I started as an assistant on porn production sets, and then I moved on to above-the-line production work. Eventually, I took everything to the web, working on mainstream porn sites, fetish porn sites, and best sex cam sites.

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