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How to Save Money on

last updated December 13, 2024 plays host to a talented bunch of professional webcam models performing in one-on-one shows with paying users, as well as putting on shows in their open chat rooms for an audience that may passively watch for free or contribute to the action by sending tips. Saving money on starts right away with a one-time offer to new users taking advantage of a deal at the point of signing up. Next, tokens get progressively cheaper with the larger tokens packages. Also, all models have a cheaper private show option that can be chosen instead of going exclusively private. And, there is a Deals section at the point of purchase that offers daily, weekly, and monthly offers for discounted tokens packages.

Not many adult webcam sites do what does to attract the best webcam models online. Performers on have the chance to win very substantial prizes, like money, or a car. In the Giveaways section of is a list of the winners and the runners up to the prizes awarded to the top performing and most popular models for a given time frame.


Get the one-time offer when signing up to

Signing up to is free and comes with a one-time offer for new users. For a heavily discounted price you can get yourself started with tokens right away. The amount of tokens will be enough to try out the tipping features in the public webcam shows, sending gifts to the models, or to even have a private show with one of the cheaper performers.

Save money on with the signup offer

All that's needed to sign up is your submission of a username and an email address, or while using the Chrome browser, you can simply sign up quickly with your Google account. After signing up, you must then check your email inbox to verify your new account. If you do not take advantage of this offer right away, it will remain active until you make your first purchase or any kind on the site. accepts a variety of payment methods. To start, most of these credit cards are available to all users around the world: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners, JCB, and Maestro. Users in the US have the option to use PayPal. Users in Europe have the most options, including GiroPay, Sofort, and Paysafecard. And most users visiting from anywhere in the world are able to purchase cam site tokens with Bitcoin and many of the other most widely used Altcoins.

Tokens are cheaper when buying the largest tokens package

New and veteran users will always have the deal of paying less per token when purchasing the larger of the available tokens packages.'s tokens packages and the price paid per token:

  • 100 Tokens for $9.99 at $0.10/Token
  • 210 Tokens for $19.99 at $0.10/Token
  • 320 Tokens for $29.99 at $0.09/Token
  • 550 Tokens for $49.99 at $0.09/Token
  • 900 Tokens for $79.99 at $0.09/Token
  • 1,150 Tokens for $99.99 at $0.09/Token

Though this difference seems too small to matter when it comes to one token, it does add up to significant savings over time when choosing to purchase the larger tokens packages over the smaller packages. 

For users that know they will be coming back to the site over and over again, then it only makes sense to save money on by purchasing, at the very least, the cheapest package offering the cheapest price per token.

Private Shows are cheaper than Exclusive Private Shows on

If you know you are on for the private webcam sessions, and not for just tipping models during their public shows, then it's important to know that most models on this platform have their private show rate set to a minimum amount of time that must be agreed on before starting the show.

Most typically, the models have their time block set to 5 or 10 minutes, with a clearly stated price per minute.

Each model displays their per minute rates for a Private Show and an Exclusive Private Show.

Save money on with Private Shows

Webcam sites with exclusive private cam shows make the distinction between a show being truly private or being open to other users getting a peek of the show. At, its Exclusive Private Shows have the cam2cam feature activated and promise that no other user can take a voyeuristic peek into the cam show the model is giving you. So, if not turning on your own webcam to have a two-way webcam session, and not minding if other users can watch the model's performance, then choosing to have a non-exclusive Private Show will most often cost less by 30 to 50 percent the cost of an Exclusive Private Show.

Check out the Deals on

When going to or getting prompted to go to the purchase page, be sure to check out the Deals section. These are quick one off Deals that can be made at any time. 

Save money on by checking out the Deals

Though these Deals can change over time, there typically is always a Deal available each Day, Week, and Month. To be clear, the "Daily" Deal can be purchased once a day, the "Weekly" Deal can be purchased once a week, and the "Monthly" Deal can be purchased once per month.

Be an active user to gain points and gifts on

Every sex cam site has its own unique approach to getting users to be more active with the webcam models. At users are encouraged to participate more in order to gain points and gifts and to level up their membership status. 

For very active users that do level up, there are certain privileges that become available, like:

  • Unlocking larger tokens packages
  • Username is highlighted so models know who are the active users
  • Unlocking certain perks during some events
  • Getting recognition during site events and competitions

The only money saving advantage here is the opening up of the larger tokens packages which will give a lower price per token when buying the larger of tokens packages. Truly, leveling up on is really only advantageous for those users that are already spending a lot of money on webcamming, which benefits with slightly lower cost tokens in the tangible sense, along with intangible benefits like gaining added recognition from the models.

Conclusion has its fair share of ways to save money for both the big spender and the more frugal of users. To reward very active users, is ready to help make each transaction cheaper, and for all users, there are daily, weekly, and monthly deals to help save money on cam site tokens. For passive users, is very much a webcam platform that hosts public sex shows where the performers are doing their best to garner tips from the crowd. So, no matter the type of webcam site user you are, or may become, there are certain ways in which to save money on if you so choose to take advantage.


Written by the God Of Porn

I have been working in adult entertainment since the early 2000's. I started as an assistant on porn production sets, and then I moved on to above-the-line production work. Eventually, I took everything to the web, working on mainstream porn sites, fetish porn sites, and best sex cam sites.

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